Brown's Beach JacketをSOC仕様にしたダウンベスト。Brown's Beach Jacketの最大の特徴であるBeach ClothをSOCが別注したエンジのオリジナルカラーで製作しています。ヴィンテージには存在しないBrown's Beachのダウンベストをオリジナルカラーで仕上げたスペシャルな1着となります。
1901年、アメリカはマサチューセッツ州で設立されたBROWN’S BEACH JACKET。
独自のマテリアルである『ビーチクロス』は、COTTON 27%、WOOL 73%の混合生地でできており、その生地が織り成す不規則なムラ、凹凸のついた表情から、通称『ゴマ塩』と呼ばれる。暖かく体を包み込んでくれるセーターの様に柔らかい素材は、袖を通す事で実感出来る。防寒に優れ、また耐久性が高い生地でもあった。
およそ半世紀を経て、『BROWN’S BEACH JACKET』完全復刻プロジェクトが始まる。幻の名品と呼ばれるBROWN’S BEACH JACKET。懐かしさと暖かさを兼ね備えた旧き良き時代のディテールを探求し、現代の人々に…。
The down vest combines SOC’s original details based on the design of the Brown’s Beach Jacket. This model was made with Brown’s Beach Jacket’s iconic beach cloth fabric with SOC’s custom-made original deep red color. This is a special Brown’s Beach down vest made with an original color that is rarely seen in vintage clothing.
With the inner surface made with cotton and the outer surface made with wool, it is a reproduction of the vintage beach cloth fabric that was made with a complex three-layer structure. The process of putting the yarn through a raschel knitting machine is an extremely intricate and difficult to reproduce, but by carefully analyzing vintage fabrics, we were able to successfully imitate the knitting work as the original vintage piece. The fabric was custom-ordered by SOC and designed with a special deep red “Sesame salt” color, which does not exist in vintage clothing.
The brand “Brown’s Beach Jacket” was established in Worcester, Massachusetts USA in the year of 1901.
The brand uses its own unique fabric called “Beach Cloth.” “Beach Cloth” consists of 27% cotton and 73% wool which results in a unique variation in color tone and texture. It makes the jackets durable yet soft and protects the wearer from wind, rain and cold weather. Because of its’ durability, “Brown’s BEACH JACKET” was loved by fishermen, hunters and lumber jack workers.
In the late 1960’s, due to the rise of synthetic materials such as polyester and nylon, the brand of “Brown’s Beach Jacket” came to an end. A half century later, we are restarting the history of the best outdoor jackets brand.
A masterpiece of a brand which has both the warmth and nostalgia of the good old days is back.